1- Make heart shaped pancakes (just pour it on the griddle in a rough heart shape) or muffins. (If you don't have a special muffin tin, simply put a marble between each paper liner and the muffin tin and it will create a heart shape- I tried it and it worked great!)
3- Find one of those shades of lipstick that you were sure about in the store, but once you got home, you realized it was all wrong, and write a lipstick mirror message for your sweetie.
4- Leave a love note in your child's lunch box, fill the lunch box with heart confetti, or draw hearts on the bag.
5- Give someone a "heart attack" by sticking hearts all over his/her car, office, or door.
6- Call a loved one at work and sing them a love song on the telephone.
7- Wake your kids up in the morning with a kiss and a Hershey's kiss (they might get out of bed faster!?)
8- Blow up red balloons or cut out red hearts to hang over the dinner table.
Please let me hear your ideas by leaving a comment!
I keep forgetting you have this other blog. I love your ideas and I wish I'd read this in time for V-day. So many fantastic, loving, "heartfelt" ideas. I HEART you Marisa!
Marisa you are AMAZING!!!! What a homemakin' Diva! Love all of your ideas! I added both of your blogs to my "favorites" so I can always keep updated on your talents and cute fam :) Love ya sista
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